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What exactly is a JavaScript framework?

A JavaScript framework is essentially a bundle of pre-written JavaScript code. These frameworks are helpful when you’re creating new applications. JavaScript frameworks help boost your performance and act as readymade solutions. 

In this article, we’ll dive into JavaScript frameworks to help you understand the lifecycles of these frameworks and what factors play a role in these lifecycles.

The Best Approach to Learn about New JavaScript Frameworks

You need to build a mental model for learning a new JavaScript framework. This means that there are only a few things, such as the framework, that your mind needs to focus on when there are new updates in technologies. 

The key thing you need to know is the lifecycle of your JavaScript framework. The lifecycle of a JavaScript frameworks also helps you determine which framework to choose. That way, you can better understand whether Angular, React, Vue or another framework, suits you.

Popular JavaScript Frameworks and Their Lifecycles

Many frameworks have come and gone over the years. The lifecycle of a JavaScript framework depends on technology, as well as, the frameworks popularity. You might know of the most popular frameworks including;  jQuery, AngularJS, VueJS, and ReactJS.


Back in 2006, jQuery gained immense popularity. It was the earliest of its type, as jQuery could design web applications that adopt utilities of the web. web utilities enable you to control the main control panel from a computer on a network. With time, other factors came into play and tech advancements caused a decline in jQuery’s popularity. 8% of the developers preferred jQuery, but that number fell to 2% in 2020. That said, jQuery is still loved and used by a significant number of developers.


AngularJS gained popularity because it was the first framework that provided a comprehensive structure for front-end web development. A great thing about it was that you could generate reusable components in AngularJS. After six years of AngularJS, Google released Angular (Angular 2+).  Angular 2+ is an open-source web application framework that’s syntax is easier to learn and implement than AngularJS.  Moreover, AngularJS didn’t support mobile, whereas Angular 2 was developed specifically to cater to mobile users.


ReactJS was actually built by Facebook to help better manage ads. ReactJS is now used by many developers though, to help them build user interfaces (UIs). It became popular among web developers and has a good reputation for making great UIs. It’s also just as useful in 2021, as it was when it was first released in 2013.


VueJS is a lightweight framework that helps in making user interfaces and single applications. Because of that, it gained less popularity, as many developers aren’t interested in single applications. That said, it is the only front-end framework that has lasted 7+ years.

Top Factors That Distinguish JavaScript Framework Lifecycles

Now that we’ve looked at the most famous JavaScript frameworks, let’s look at how the lifecycles of these frameworks differ. Many factors play a role here, below we’ve explained some of the key ones.

How language and technology play a role in framework lifecycles

The lifecycle of a JavaScript framework largely depends on how it’s used. Language also determines the type of framework developers choose. Developers that focus on a single language prefer to use a particular framework. This is because they find most of their work to be linked with a single framework.

For instance, JavaScript frameworks are more common among TypeScript and CSS users. That's because they're more inclined to front-end development. C and C++ developers however, are less likely to use JavaScript UI frameworks as they are more into system programming.

Angular and React are two frameworks that have been popular regardless of the technology or language. That’s because they’re supported by two of the tech giants - Facebook and Google. Angular is popular among C#, Java, and PHP developers, while React is common among Rails, Node.js, and Python developers.

How industry plays a role in framework lifecycles

The industry the framework was created for also plays a large role in the lifecycle of it. React and Angular are popular with almost every type of company, regardless of industry. An interesting note regarding industries is that the framework Angular is most popular among insurance companies.

Other industries, like media and retail industries, use JavaScript frameworks the most. Academic, government and healthcare sectors use all frameworks mentioned the least. This is because they are more focused on database management or data analysis and these JavaScript frameworks are more focused on front-end web development.

Do smaller JavaScript frameworks provide the ultimate solution?

There are many smaller JavaScript frameworks that we haven’t mentioned yet. These frameworks tend to survive for shorter periods, taking off quickly, but then declining just as fast. They are often launched with unique features that the previous JS frameworks lacked so they temporarily fulfill the shortcomings of their predecessors. Some examples of smaller JavaScript frameworks are Meteor, BackboneJS, Redux, EmberJS, and KnockoutJs.

In the early stages, smaller frameworks created a lot of hype. But once they peaked, they saw a steady decline. This is because developers always prefer using newer JavaScript Frameworks. Newer JS frameworks are launched with better facilities and are superior to their their predecessors. That’s because they are launched to overcome the inefficiencies and shortcomings of the previous frameworks. The newest JavaScript frameworks have modern features that are even more effective.


Now, you should have a better understanding of why JavaScript framework lifecycles vary, and some frameworks that have lasted the test of time. Throughout this article, we learned that the lifecycle of a JavaScript framework heavily depends on what it provides. If it’s enough to fulfill developers’ needs over time, meaning; it’s efficient, has good features to offer, and solves your issues as a devotee, then it will have a longer lifecycle.

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